Are you ready to take an online course?




Use the following self-assessment to determine if you are ready to take an online course.

This assessment covers both technical as well as learning style considerations. You may want to print this page so you can spend more time considering both the questions and your answers. This is strictly a self-assessment tool, so give yourself honest answers.


Begin Self-Assessment

Technical Considerations--Comfort Level With Computers

YES  NO   Are you proficient using standard PC/MAC applications that include word processing, spreadsheets etc.?

YES NO   Can you create, save and manage files on your computer?

YES NO   Do you know how to install software on your computer?

Internet Access

YES NO   Can you access Internet email and the World Wide Web (WWW) 7 days a week?

YES NO    If you do not have your own computer, can you get to a source or arrange to use some other computer at least two or more times a week?

Internet Skills

YES NO   Do you currently have a back up email address?

YES NO   Do you know how to send and receive email messages?

YES NO   Do you know how to attach a file to an email message?

YES NO   Do you know how to "paste" text from a word processor into an email message?

YES NO   Do you know how to download and open an  incoming email attachment?

Learning Style Considerations

Instructions: Click on the radio button that best describes your response to the statement.

 Do you stay on task without direct supervision or (do you work best when someone is there to help keep you focused)?

Can you prioritize your own workload or (do you tend to put tasks off for later)?

Do you learn best from reading text and assignments or (do you learn best from spoken or visual presentations)?

Do you enjoy learning new computer or technology skills or (does the thought of having to learn new PC technology skills cause you anxiety)?

Do you usually understand written instructions or (is it better for you to generally have steps or points explained by someone)?

Would you plan to allocate as much time in your schedule for an online course as you would for a more "traditional' face-to-face class or (would you feel that less time and effort is required)?

Do you learn well on your own such as engaging in a self- paced tutorial or (do you feel more comfortable learning online where there is instructor feedback provided)?

Do you enjoy taking on new projects or (do you prefer to avoid them)?  

Do you stick to the job no matter what happens or (do you tend to get easily distracted and forget about what needs to get done)?  

Do you think it is important to gain support from others to complete difficult tasks or ( can you do something on your own and feel satisfied with the outcome)?

Is it important for you to discuss course work with other peers or (can you  assess your own efforts)?

Are you well organized in terms of time management or (do you tend to have problems with completing projects).

Your email address (This will not be sold or shared with anyone)


From what source or search engine did  you find our website?


