Course Name
Success Strategies Training Program for Management & Leadership

Contact Hours: 20

Course Description
In the 21st Century, and its global economy, the skill of successful managers and leaders is vitally important to an organization`s longevity and success. Whether you are in the service or production business, this course provides a proactive method of effective and efficient success coaching for managers and leaders. In this process, the success of organizational managers and leaders is designed to be incorporated in all organizational levels.

Specific, proven strategies for success are gathered from some of the world’s best executives and professionals. The strategies are based on a success pyramid method of working the basics first, and then climbing to the top. Get the most out of your managers, leaders and front line employees with the Success Strategies Training Program. Readings will be posted on the LearningManagement system and as such there are no textbooks needed for this course.

Upon completion, you will have the information necessary to succeed in any business climate. Participants will learn how and why it is essential to implement the success principles in their business. Participants will be able to effectively and efficiently apply the success strategies for their organizational managers, leaders and front line personnel.

In this self-directed course, evaluation of student performance will consist of successfully completing the Action Assignments in each Module of learning.


This course is entirely self-paced and can be completed in as little as 1-2 hours per module of learning. Please see the following information for more details regarding the 10 modules of this course.

  • Success Strategy Basics – You will learn what the basics of success strategies for managers and leaders. Based on proven strategies for success, you will learn exactly what makes the difference between mediocrity and excellence. This is the cornerstone for the success pyramid.

  • The Sculptor – Learn the basics of Pygmalian sculpting where ordinary employees are transformed into superb employees. Analyzing the methods of success sculpting provides the atmosphere for organizational ingenuity, productivity, low turnover and high morale.

  • Success Is Always Failure Turned Inside Out – Study and explore the fine line between success and failure. Learn that success always follows failure when systematically pursued. Utilize the seven basic tools of turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones, and tests into opportunities, and how this data translates into a more profitable organization.

  • The Last Human Freedom Is Attitude – You will be introduced to this important concept in management and leadership success strategies. Exploring the underlying concept of human attitude is essential for organizational acceptance and cooperation with a success strategies program.

  • What You Focus On Expands – We will explore the major facets of focusing your organizational mission and vision for the future. Learn how to embrace the now, learn from the past and look to the future for all product and service oriented corporations. A list of visionary success principles will be detailed in order to help you differentiate between the types of organizational goals.

  • Set The Dream & Grow Into It – You will explore the four quadrants of management and leadership success as they relate to personal, relational, vocational and material categories. Several examples of goal setting, visualization and possibility thinking are listed with worksheets for self reflection in order to make the process more efficient and practical.

  • Paint Yourself Into A Corner – Learn how to lead your people to paint themselves into a corner and grow in the process. It is amazing how employees and managers alike will grow their capacity to multi task and focus extremely well. Evaluate the relationship between being overwhelmed/frozen and overextended/stretched in order to maximize the benefit of this success principle.

  • Expect & Embrace Change – Explore the concept of change and why so many organizations and their leadership are afraid of change. Learn how to expect and embrace change as you gain market share in the global economy and evolve beyond the capacity of your competitors.

  • Synergize – Learn how to synergize between management and front line employees in order to maximize the profitability of your organization. Detailed expectations are personality/skill assessments help guide you through the concept of synergy and how to effectively utilize it. With that knowledge, you will be amazed at how much your organization can grow into the service and/or product based future.

  • Conclusions – Explore where strategies for success have succeeded in meeting and exceeding the expectations of those who implement them. Find out what makes the difference between success and failure across the globe. Find out who is succeeding and how. Identify the issues, informatics and technology that is available to assist in implementing a Success Strategies Training Program in your organization. Visualize the global marketplace and where your company fits into the picture to capture the opportunities that exist related to the success principles and applications of your managers, leaders and front line personnel for your products and/or services.