Course Name
Manifesting 101: How to Get What You Want w/o Goofing it Up First !

Contact Hours: 10

Course Description
Manifesting 101 (Self Study Course) introduces or reminds us how to have our desires and intentions flow to us in ease, versus chasing them in struggle and frustration. There is a Mechanics of Energy, Spirit, Consciousness, that is at work within and around us, that we have access to for the purposeful design of our dreams come true.

The essence of this Course and its series introduces User Friendly Physics or just plain and simple; "How to get what you want in your life to happen, without goofing it up first". The How-To is shown without so much ‘doing`. Students will understand energy and how to move it, as they are given actual tools, instruments and exercises, that move us in our choices for livelihood and lifestyles. We can get there the easy way or the hard way, this course shows the easy way.

  • Students will be given a simple quiz in objective terms to evaluate from a higher energy place versus a lower energy place of how they have evolved during this four week session.
  • Students will be asked to write a new intention based on what transformed for them during the 4 week course. (This can be applied to any aspect of life)
  • A multiple choice assessment, helping to make clear the students evolving during this period rounds out the assessment portion.

Upon completion of Manifesting 101 the student:

  • Will have developed an understanding of how desires and intentions for ones life may be designed on purpose rather than through default or re-action.
  • The Student will understand and begin to develop the skills associated with the energies behind focus and intent and imagination, why they work, and how we mis-create in our lives by not understanding the mechanics of these tools. (The Why Behind; Lee Iacocca and Richard Bransons (Virgin Companies) writing in long hand every day)
  • Will know which tools help with manifesting and why they help, and bring us things in momentum.
  • Understanding how desires and goals and intentions can flow to us, instead of us chasing them.
  • There is a mechanics of Energy behind pen and paper. The student will begin to understand this and use it as a skill in manifesting.
  • The student will being to know what a vibration and frequency is, as it is language to the Universe, and how that language is heard and answered.
  • Bottom Line: The Student will begin developing an under- standing of how to have what they want in life without goofing it up first !