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Course Name
A Fool-proof Method for Conducting a Job Search

Contact Hours: 10

Course Description

It’s a jungle out there! Surviving in today’s tough job market is an upstream adventure-- whether you are just starting out, the victim of a layoff, or merely want to change careers. Traditional methods just don`t work any more. This is one of three possible modules that you can take as self-directed study.

Each module is designed to be completed within 1 week or sooner. You will be given exercises to complete via email. This course provides a treasure trove of new ideas, cutting-edge strategies and surefire techniques to help you stand out from the crowd and get the job you really want.

By the end of the course, you will have all the information you need to uncover the hidden job market. The student will be able to design a job search plan, customized to your individual needs, to give you maximum results in the shortest time. Learn how to apply the three R`s of successful job searching: Research, Rusing and Recruiting. You’ll learn how to conduct an effective online job search and jump start your search with links to hundreds of the top sites online. You`ll be able to spot red flags and avoid perils that can sabotage your search efforts.


You will complete a final multiple choice and true/false test as your assessment.